Friday, October 03, 2008


Sometimes it is not so easy to write on topics like this. People can say many things – many different opinions. But the most important opinion is our own opinion and outlook on life. How we perceive life is very crucial and it determines the consequent choices we make in our day-to-day living. Be it during meal times or when you are just taking a stroll at the supermarket, our perception on life plays a pivotal role.

I will just share my opinion and perception with you now.

Life is not just a daily routine that you are forced to enjoy. It adds more flavors to each and every one of us. Forrest Gump once said, “Life is a box of chocolates.” I disagree with that statement. Life is more than a box of chocolates. It is a tinge of spice, sourness, sweetness, and bitterness – all rolled into one. It all comes in a package, whether we like it or not.

Life will give us what we want only if we use it in the right way. There are many ways we can use it to our advantage. There are people who dip straight into it while others like to just let it flow. Sometimes when we squeeze it, we get the best results. Again, it depends on our perceptions.

When we were kids, we stay detached from life. As we grow older, we begin to realize and enjoy the taste of it. We should realize the truth about life as quick as we can. We should not regret not making full use of it during our final days.

This is my view on Life. After all, how much can one write about a bottle of chilli sauce?