Monday, September 15, 2008

Idle Time Kryptonizing

One day I was visited by an alien. He could speak English perfectly well.His face was like all humans, his body was the same too... He breathed, he hada heart to pump blood, he smells, he sees, he hears... but there was one thingthat made me write my first sentence... He was an alien because he doesn't eat.He gets his energy from free time of people around him. The more free time you have,the more energy he sucks from you... "Don't understand?" He asked me.
According tohis terminology, it is called Idle Time Energy Kryptonizing (ITEK). He sucks idle timeor the time someone has for leisure and keeps it in his kryptonite capsule located rightbelow his medula oblongata."I cannot live here" he told me one day. I asked him why.He said that all earthlings are so caught up in their jobs and daily lives that he hardlygets any idle time energy from them."You wake up at 5.20, snooze till 5.30, get up, get ready, drive for an hour,work work work till 5.30, and at 5.30 a machine breaks down and you have to stay until11.00 to fix it, then you come back, look at the pc, look at the TV, the you collapse to the bed."He couldn't get a minute idle time to suck for his energy. He told me he's going back. "Backin my planet, we have a lot of free time," he said. "We had time to do our gardening, time tovisit friends, enjoy nature, do charity, exercise, have fun, relax, unwind - so we don't mindexchanging our free time with others. Its symbiosis."Then I thought to myself, we have free trade, free ice cream, free coupons, free this, free thatbut free time is not on any of our lists. Do we even realise that we used to have something calledtime for ourselves, where we can do whatever we wished. Hmmm... working life shouldn't be a prison.Don't get locked up in life, move on to wider horizons. Well, at least I know one person who will agree to this blog posting.