Friday, May 01, 2009

Star Trek Premiere

Being someone who has never watched Star Trek before at all,
I was quite pessimistic when Hari offered me the Premiere tickets to
watch the latest flick at One Utama.

I was at Studio V to collect my invite and I saw crazy fans everywhere,
some wearing weird glasses, fake Star Trek ears and masks... There
were even a group of people calling themselves Singapore Trekkies.

It was quite a culture shock for me, and more so for my parents who had no idea
of what the movie was about...

As we entered the GSC area, there was a counter to deposit handphones
and electronic equipments. Luckily we were told to leave the phones behind.
The security was as tight as post 9-11 at the entrance as they scanned everyone
before letting us in.

Hmm... for all you know the projector guy might be taping the whole show for release in Chow Kit tonight.... Malaysia Boleh!
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